#Socially Connected # Climate Conscious
Wassailing 2025
Programme Outline
Date: January 4th 2025 (Twelfth Night eve)
Location: Carrbridge Community Orchard
1. Welcome -Dusk (c 4:00 PM)
Welcome: Brief introduction to the event and its significance. Wassailing is a traditional English custom with deep roots, often associated with Twelfth Night (January 5th) or Old Twelvey (January 17th).
Safety Briefing: Outline health and safety guidelines for the evening.
Specifically Swedish Candles, Fire Basket and slip/ trip hazards
2. Wassailing Ceremony 4.15-4.45
Wassail Song: sing traditional wassailing songs.
Blessing the Trees: Participants form a circle around the apple trees, making noise with pots, pans, and drums to ward off evil spirits.
Offering to the Trees: Pour mulled ‘cider’ around the roots of the trees and hang pieces of toast as an offering.
Wassail Bowl:
3. Mulled Cider and Refreshments 4.30- 5
Mulled Cider: Serve warm mulled cider to adults and non-alcoholic spiced apple juice for children.
Snacks: Provide light snacks such as biscuits and fruit.
Marshmallow Toasting
Fire Pit: Safe area for marshmallow toasting. (shepherd crook stakes and natural rope just inside log seating )
Supervision: Ensure children are supervised by parents while toasting marshmallows. (see safety briefing above)
6. Closing ( pm ….)
Thank You : Thank you for supporting the community orchard.
Final Song: End with a final wassailing song.
Foster a Fruit Tree
Thanks to all who planted with us. Trees are now marked with the names on your certificate
Fostering Groups, Businesses and Families
Thank you to - Carrbridge Primary School, Carrbridge Primary School, Friday Club, Carrbridge Artists Studio, Riverside Bowling Club, Carrbridge Golf Club, Cairn Hotel, Carrbridge Village Hall, Cairngorm Gin, Edwards Family, Taylor Family, Stephen Blair Tree Surgery, Ewan Buxton Joinery, Spar Carrbridge, Carrbridge Church and their representatives who planted the trees.
RHS Big Seed Sow
Try your hand at bringing on seeds.
All ages and abilities welcome - Something for everyone.
A mixture of Herbs, Vegetables and Flowers
Take you pick or pot luck.
Do you have seeds to swap? - bring them too!
We will be in the Car Park and happy to answer any questions you have about the Orchard project
Details to follow !
Litter Pick is a weekly activity as the site yields rubbish past and present :)
Due to the narrow access to the site and the water in the burn, this is an adult only event. Wellies are recommended!
The Friday Club responded to a short notice shout out for assistance in establishing a baseline for the existing Bird Population. Using Identifier sheets downloaded from the RSPB site, a mobile phone app which let us hear the birdsong and of course binoculars, They identified 3 chaffinches, 1 woodpigeon, 3 blackbirds and a Robin