December 2022

As the Winter sets in the main focus is to progress tenure over the site.

Trustees of Carr-Bridge Ahead agreed to take on the site at their meeting on 29th November 2022 and are now working with representatives from the Orchard Group on the 2 stage process with the Highland Council for a Community Asset Transfer and the 2 stage process with the Community Lottery Fund to access the Scottish Land Fund to help pay for the legal costs etc that will be involved.

The CAT Expression of Interest is dealt with by a few officers, including the Ward Manager for our area-  Lewis Hannah. 
There will be a more rigorous process which will go to a wider group of officers in the New Year.

The role of the Community Orchard Steering Group at this stage is to keep looking at ideas that we might bring to the table in the planning stages and act in an advisory role for any questions that CBA may have to help them secure the site