Fruit Trees

Burnside Row


(Malus domestica Baya Marissa "Tickled Pink")

Planted  2023 by Carrbridge PS (Nursery)
Root stock MM106

Pollination group C

A dual purpose apple tree with colourful red fleshed apples.
Good disease resistance including scab
Great dessert apple with red juice when pressed. 
Also a good choice for cooking as holds shape and flavour as well as a bright red colour. 

Harvest (cropping) late Sept/Oct
Apples store for up to 3 months

First introduced to the UK in 2011 by  Frank P Matthews

Featured in BBC Great British Menu for a dessert final in 2019

Image courtesy of  Buckingham Nurseries 


(Malus domestica "Golden Pippin")

Planted in 2023  by Carrbridge PS (P1)
Root stock MM106

Pollination Group E

A classic but rare dessert apple with a  russeted skin colour and off white flesh.

Sweet flavour and a pineapple -like note. 
Due to its sweetness it's also a good eater and used in cider making too.

Harvest early Oct
Disease resistant 

Originated in northern England or possibly Scotland and first listed by nurseryman Thomas Rivers in October 1863,

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(Malus domestica "Jonogold")

Planted by Carrbridge PS (P2) in 2023

Root stock MM106

Pollination Group D

A  large apple that makes a substantial snack. Yellow in colour with large flushes of red. 
Crisp to bite with a gleaming white flesh.  Sweet with an nice acidic balance makes it a very pleasant apple.



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(Malus domestica "Laxton Epicure")

Planted by Carrbridge PS (P3)

Root stock MM106
Suitable for late frosts 

Pollination Group C

A very good summer dessert apple. Sweet and juicy with a refreshing flavour.
Pale greenish in colour with some flushed dark orange red.

Harvest from late August. Like most early cropping varieties the fruit tends to drop quickly once rip.

Raised by Laxton Bros, Bedford, in 1909 from a Wealthy x Orange Pippin and first introduced in 1929

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(Malus domestica "James Grieve")

Planted by Carrbridge PS (P4)

Root stock MM106

Pollination Group C

A good all rounder for eating, cooking and juicing
Greeny red in colour
Recommended for the North & Scotland.

Harvest from August onwards with early pickings best for cooking and as the apples age on the tree they become sweeter with still with a refreshing edge.
Flesh is relatively soft, almost like a firm pear,

Raised by James Grieve, Edinburgh either from a Pott's Seedling or Cox's Orange Pippin seedling.
First recorded in 1893

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(Malus domestica "Golden Delicious")

Planted by Carrbridge PS (P5)

Root stock MM106

Pollination Group C/D

A well known eating apple. Green to yellow in colour turning gold with a sweet honey flavour. 
Flavour is superior to imported fruit when grown in the UK

Harvest in October

In the 1880s, Mr L L Mullins sent his teenage son out to scythe down the weeds around their farm in the hills of Porter's Creek, West Virginia, USA.  The boy spotted a sapling and carefully mowed round it, year after year.  By the time the tree was mature , the farm had passed to his uncle , who sent some of the fruit from the tree to the Stark brothers nursery who were already producing Red Delicious apples.  The Stark family saw its value and bought the tree with about 10 square metres of land around it. 

The first orchard of grafted Golden Delicious trees came into production in 1914 and the original tree died in the 1950's.

We may never know the parents but it is thought to be a cross between Grimes Golden and Golden Reinette.

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Malus domestica "Spartan"

Planted by Carrbridge PS (P6)

Root stock MM106

Pollination Group C
Being an excellent pollinator, Spartan is a usefull apple to include in an orchard.

A super little eating apple  with a glorious red colour that deepens to a maroon red when fully ripe. White crisp flesh with sweet flavour. 

Harvest October but only keep for a week or two. 

Originating from British Columbia in the 1920's and introduced to the UK in 1936.
A cross between the American apple McIntosh and a Newton Pippin

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Malus domestica "Brambley")

Planted by Carrbridge PS (P7)

Root stock MM106

Pollination Group D

Abundant apples with firm yellow flesh, acid and excellent cookers.  Bakes to a soft puree and is tangy sweet to sharp in flavour

Harvest in early October. Stores until March.

The original tree was grown from a pip in the early 1800s in Nottingham by Mary Ann Brailsford and it was propagated by a local nurseryman in the 1850s, but by then the property where the tree was growing was owned by the local butcher, Mr Bramley and he insisted on the tree bearing his name,

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Prunus domestica "Czar"

Planted by  Carrbridge Community Orchard Volunteers

St Julien rootstock

Pollination Group B

An old and trusted variety that produces purple blue fruits that darken and sweeten as they mature. 

Picked young for cooking but if left to sweeten ideal for eating.

Harvest August 

Origins - First introduced in 1871 in Hertfordshire

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Middle Row


Malus Domestica "White Melrose"

Planted by Riverside Bowling Club

Root stock  MM106

Pollination Group C

It makes a pretty tree, hardy, disease resistant and with a pretty white blossom.

The pale, milky yellow apples make a delicious  and refreshing dessert fruit with sweet melting flesh.  When cooked the apples hold shape and have a well balanced sweet/sharp flavour.  

A good choice for those growing on exposed sites.

Harvest September -October

Often known simply as "Melrose" this old Scottish variety originates with the Monks of Melrose Abbey and was first recorded in 1826.

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Malus Domestica "Rajka"

Planted by Carrbridge Artists Studio

Root stock MM106

Pollination Group C

Medium sized attractive smooth bright red apples. Yellow firm but juicy flesh. Sweet flavour, aromatic with a hint of strawberry. 

Regular cropping and disease resistant

Harvest  Late September. Storage until January.

A modern apple developed in the 1990's in the Czech Republic.  

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Malus Domestica "Sweet Alford"

Planted by Carrbridge PS Teachers & Parents

Root stock MM106

Pollination Group D

A well know cider apple and commonly planted in large cider orchards.  

Fruit is yellow, smooth and waxy.  Flesh is cream, sweet and soft, makes a lovely fruity cider on it's own. 

Beautiful pinkish white  flowers mid May.

Harvest early October - November
Originates from Devon in the 1700's 

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Coming Soon

latin name

Planted by

Root stock

Pollination Group




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Coming Soon

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Planted by

Root stock

Pollination Group




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Coming Soon

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Planted by

Root stock

Pollination Group




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Coming Soon

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Planted by

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Pollination Group




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Coming Soon

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Planted by

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Pollination Group




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Coming Soon

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Planted by

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Pollination Group




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Inside Row

Coming Soon

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Planted by

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Pollination Group




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Coming Soon

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Planted by

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Pollination Group




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Coming Soon

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Planted by

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Pollination Group




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Coming Soon

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Planted by

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Pollination Group




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Coming Soon

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Planted by

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Pollination Group




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Coming Soon

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Planted by

Root stock

Pollination Group




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