Our Overstory

Goat Willow - Our Sentinel Tree

Tales of the Overstory

The information from Trees for Life are one source we have used to find out more about our
'Mother Tree'. 
Local knowledge was another important resource.  We are told by Victor that this  tree was one of several on the site when the village sewer was laid many decades ago.  One of the Community Councillors at that time was David Ritchie and he insisted that this tree was retained and we are very grateful for this, so many years later. this tree is an icon of our orchard.

We are currently trying to estimate the age of this tree.

Traditional Uses of Goat Willow

Goat willow timber is soft and yellow in colour. Unlike most willows, its brittle twigs are not suitable for weaving.  

The bark was also boiled in water and the liquor drunk to 

Externally, the liquor was used to 

Other Trees on the Orchard site


To find out more about this ancient species this link takes you to tales of secret species


Lots of interesting facts by the
WoodLand Trust

Caledonian Pine

Trees for Life describe the importance of this tree


To read more about the Rowan tree aka Mountain Ash we recommend
Trees for Life


A pioneer species and one of the first trees to colonise the land following the ice age.. More information by Trees for Life 

Gaelic Tree Alphabet

Although Gaelic is not widely spoken in the village, there are cultural links through the music, stories and language. The Ogham , Celtic or Gaelic Tree alphabet has 18 characters and is  a fitting way to introduce the language through our trees.  We commissioned local craftsman Doug  at Woodland Signs to create the stencils for our benches.

Try it for yourself

Words and Pictures, now listen in and practice the sounds